Confessions and Lamentations III

Olympus-class Corvette [SKIRMISH]

Speed Turns Hull Troops Crew Quality XP
8 2/45 4 3 ? 0

Traits: Interceptors 1

Craft: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Railgun 12 T 4 AP, Double Damage
Medium Pulse Cannon 10 F 6 Twin-Linked
Medium Pulse Cannon 10 P 6 Twin-Linked
Medium Pulse Cannon 10 S 6 Twin-Linked
Missile Rack 30 F 2 Precise, Slow Loading, Super AP

Damage: [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]()()() ()()()

Crew: [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] []()()()() ()()


Destroyed by the ISA during the battle for control of Hastromil VII

Maintained by
Last Updated 05/02/2006.
Version 0.1.0
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